McDonald's - SWOT analysis (10分)
可以幫我解答以下兩條問題嗎?最好講得detail少少~~1.Describe McDonald's positioning strategy. Describe in detail the consumer segments that currently make up their markey. Specify the products offered to each segment.2. List and discuss the external environments that currently, and may in the future impact on McDonald's. 顯示更多 可以幫我解答以下兩條問題嗎?最好講得detail少少~~ 1.Describe McDonald's positioning strategy. Describe in detail the consumer segments that currently make up their markey. Specify the products offered to each segment. 2. List and discuss the external environments that currently, and may in the future impact on McDonald's.
SWOT = Strength + Weakness + Opportunity + Threat Strength: Brand, low-price, food quality, culture, etc Weakness: unhealthy food image, increase in production cost, Opportunity: more business opportunity in China. Threat: more competitors in market 1. MacDonald's positioning strategy = 4S (Standardisation, Simplification, Specialization, etc) Standardization = meaning their food, services, furniture, decorations are standardized. Simplification = meaning that the company tries to simplify their operation procedures and management. Specialization = meaning that the company tries to specialize their food according to local people's preference. Consumer Segment: children, working class, vegetarians, elderlies and low-income groups. Product Segment: Happy Meal ---> Children, elderlies Lunch Set and Morning Breakfast Set ---> Working Class Salads ---> Vegetarians 2. External Environment that may affect MacDonald's present & furture: Increased Education --->People concern more healthy diets --> reduce consumption on junk food & fast food. Fewer Children in HK ---> Aging of population in HK intensify --> fewer demand towards MacDonald's. 2007-03-01 00:17:45 補充: Threat: more competitors in market, customers' rejection towards genetically-made food, etc.
優勢: 麥當勞爲全球品牌,其品牌已受認同,且全球經驗資源足,具有規模經濟,在營運品管及質量上提升,人員地域化且素質高,認同公司文化,能培養共同價值。 1. 全球品牌 2. 支援足、有規模經濟 3. 營運品管、品質高 4. 人員地域化、素質高且聚公司文化、共同價值 弱勢: 人員人數高,管理不易。強調永續經營,且單價低而開發成本高,造成資本回收慢。品牌定位被限制爲漢堡生意,且受全球企業管理的限制,必須考慮品牌及過去經營方式。 1.員工人數高、管理不易 2.開發成本高 3.品牌定位被限制 4.全球企業管理的限制 機會: 以産品的研發來突破區域性飲食習慣的限制,以多樣的麥當勞經驗提供更大的價值,運用更多樣的策略聯盟來共同開發市場,而區內顧客消費潛力高也是一個機會點。 1.新產品的研發 2.更多樣的麥當勞經驗 3.更多樣的策略聯盟 4.顧客消費潛力高 威脅: 顧客的口味選擇、法規的限制、沒有進入障礙、顧客信心不足、樹大招風等。 1.顧客的口味選擇 2.法規的限制 3.沒有進入障礙