why don't we need a ”,” ?
As soon as I get through woth my work I'll join you. the above sentence is in oxford dictionary, as an example for "get through with sth" why doesn't it be written as As soon as I get through woth my work, I'll join you. ?
根據一些講解 Grammar 的網址, 運用comma係有特定的規則, 雖然有時可以跟隨個人的習慣 (a matter of personal taste) 而定, 但某些情況係一定唔可以用comma , 而另外一些情況一定要用comma。 (A) 一定唔可以用comma 的情況: [WRONG] After dinner, we will play badminton. [RIGHT] After dinner we will play badminton. 一些字數少於3個字的短 phrase (尤其係句子開端的短 phrase) 不應該加 comma, 除非係插入式的phrase∕clause (Parenthetical expressions) 。 http://www.acs.brockport.edu/~gsaxton/grammar.htm (Rule 7) http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writcent/hypergrammar/comma.html#parenthetical information (Superfluous commas 第 4點) 何謂插入式的phrase/ clause? http://iws.ccccd.edu/jmiller/A Brief_ No-Nonsense Guide to Comma Usage.htm I like margarine, not butter, on my toast. Excuse me, Mr. Smith, for not recognizing you. (B) 一定要用comma的情況: My $10,000,000 estate is to be split among my husband, daughter, son, and nephew. 為免引起混亂, son 後面的 comma 係一定要用, 因為如果唔用的語, 就會令人誤以為由 my son和 nephew 兩者一起去分物業的3份之一。 其實係總共分成4等分先正確! 所以, 一個comma 都可以發揮重要的功能, 有時係不可不用。 (C) 有時係視乎情況, 可用可不用: If you are not sure about this, let me know now. Let me know now if you are not sure about this. http://www.acs.brockport.edu/~gsaxton/grammar.htm (Rule 6) 如果一句句子以一個 weak clause (這兒係一個 if-clause∕一句不能獨立成句的dependent clause) 作開頭, 它的後面就要用 comma。如果 if-clause 放在句子的後半部, 就不需要用comma。 圖片參考:http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/ugc/rte/smiley_1.gif 2008-08-29 15:30:19 補充: 你的例句跟 (C) 的情況較相似, 但係仍然唔用 comma。 依我理解, 唯一解釋係, "As soon as ... " clause 唔係一個 weak clause, 用或者唔用comma 都可以接受, 而唔會係錯。 2008-08-29 15:39:18 補充: 換句話講, 根據以上一D使用的規則, 這個並不是一定要用 comma 的情況。 2008-08-29 16:28:50 補充: 何謂weak clause? 何謂strong clause? 我的例句: If you are not sure about this, ... 由於我地唔肯定對方「清楚事件與否」, 所以係 weak。 但係你的例句: As soon as I get through with my work, ... 由於句中的「我」係肯定自己一旦完成工作, 就立即找句中的「你」, 這個一點疑問也沒有, 所以係strong。 2008-08-29 16:41:10 補充: 雖然了解到用法上有特定的規則, 但我個人認為, 有些時候似乎係惯用的方法多於實用性。其實有各方面的人都覺得某D規則係 confusing, 甚至 controversial (唔認同)。 http://www.writinginfo.org/Basic-Writing-Tips-Controversial/26 近文章中間部份有Comma use 的一段, 提出3條爭議性的 rules。 2008-09-09 09:09:07 補充: 另一側講解如何運用comma的資料: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/conjunctions.htm 在Coordinating conjunctions的標題下, 有一點提及 independent clause (highlight 咗蓝色) 佢講到用but 連接起兩個 independent clause, 幾時用comma, 幾時不用comma, 在Punctuation between 2 independent clauses 的標題下 第3點: 仲話為求做到對比的效果又点。
There is no need to break the sentence into 2 clauses : As soon as I get through with my work - this clause cannot stand by its own, the question will be - then so what ? The answer is : I'll join you In this case why do we need to break the sentence into 2 clauses while the first clause cannot stand by itself ? So, the comma should not be used in this sentence.|||||I agree with you. There should be a "," because the main clause is after the sub clause.