


Dear Chia-I, Thank you for your application and audition CD for the Master of Arts in Music program at Campbellsville University. Your audition was well-received by our flute instructor, Dr. Lisa McArthur.We need the following items as soon as possible in order for your admission file to be complete: 1. ... 顯示更多 Dear Chia-I, Thank you for your application and audition CD for the Master of Arts in Music program at Campbellsville University. Your audition was well-received by our flute instructor, Dr. Lisa McArthur. We need the following items as soon as possible in order for your admission file to be complete: 1. Transcript evaluation submitted by World Education Services. (www.wes.org) 2. GRE (Graduate Record Examination). Please make arrangements to take this exam and send the score to the Admissions Office. You may wait to take this exam at the end of your ESL studies. (www.www.ets.org/gre/) 關於第一點的問題是怎樣取得World Education Services認證 第二點:因為我是條件式入學,是不是就要去讀ESL?那ESL還是GRE沒過是不是就不能畢業?


1就是要看你的成績單夠不夠格啦! 郵寄你的成績單到World Education Services網站www.wes.org所提供的地址 By Postal Mail World Education Services P. O. Box 5087 Bowling Green Station New York, NY 10274-5087 USA 或者快遞寄到 World Education Services 64 Beaver St, #146 New York, NY 10004 USA 2就是要看你的GRE成績,他只是建議你可以去讀ESL加強英文,目地是通過GRE,你不去讀ESL,有辦法考過GRE也行啦。 2006-05-19 07:30:08 補充: 1你要不要問問你台灣的學校有沒有英文版的成績單,有的話再問問美國的學校接不接受,如果接受的話,你就不用做認證 ,可以省下幾千塊錢






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